Friday, March 9, 2018

Comic relief


1. What is the comic relief?

A comic relief is including comies scenes in a horror movie to relieve tension.

2. Why is it often used in horror films?

It is used in horror films to relax the audience when they have a lot of tension.

3. Do you remember laughing in horror film? Can you think of an example?

Yes I remember laughing in horror films after moments of tension. Like in the film World Wide Z

My world 1


In these days less people reads novels, because they say that reading is boring. But they say this because they don't know what it feels if you read. It is like if you are the main charactert of the novel, if the protagonist is sad, happy, excited, worried, also feel it. The novels are not written only to read, they are written to imagine your life in different situations, to feel like the protagonist, and have different adventures. It is really funny reading novels. and that's why I read every day. I can easily read 70 novels in a year, but I don't have a lot of money to buy a lot of books, so I take them from the library, or maybe my friends lend me their books, or also I read them in Wattpad. I read books in Catalan, Spanish, and also English to learn better this language. I recomend you to read more, and not waste your time playing videogames or something similar.

My favourite novels are a book series like Nikki Heat by Richard Castle.




The direrctor of the film psycho is Alfred Hicthcock,and the carachters that he uses are the opposite of what the audience expects, like in a comedi story the blond women are dump but in a horror story the are very smart,and the policeman and politicans are usually the bumbling fools, the innocent are acused, and the villains get away with everything because nobody suspects them They surprise you at every step of the plot.and his camera The camera should take on human qualities and roam around playfully looking for something suspicious in a room.  This allows the audience to feel like they are involved in uncovering the story.  Scenes can often begin by panning a room showing close-ups of objects that explain plot elements. This goes back to Hitchcock's beginnings in silent film.  Without sound, filmmakers had to create ways to tell the story visually in a succession of images and ideas.  Hitchcock said this trend changed drastically when sound finally came to film in the 1930's. 

fashion model

  FASHION MODEL One of the important model of dolce and gabbana is the italian chiara scelsi. She was born on 14/06/1996 and she is of...